Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Robert and Shana Parke Harrison - Photography

I am posting these because they look cool, but also because they were not photo-shopped . . . seriously! It is pretty amazing what you can do without a computer!!

Keith Carter - Photographer

We watched a video interview of Keith in my photography class the other day and it got me really excited about black and white film photography and using medium format cameras. This guy is so genuine and inspires me to photograph because I love it.

He has uses a very shallow depth of field which I love. The photos have this great dream-like quality to them. great stuff!!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Buying your fist DSLR...huh!?!

Okay, so I have officially decided to buy my very own dslr camera. I have gone back and forth between yes and no for a while now and I ,even though it means spending a lot of mula, have decided to go for it. Since making that decision I have learned that the battle isn't over. I started researching and found that I didn't really have any idea what any of the reviews were talking about. I went to my professor and we ended up talking about camera stuff for and hour one day and an hour and a half the next. Needless to say I learned a lot and feel pretty informed. I have got my choices down to 3. The Nikon D3000 or D5000, or the Canon EOS Rebel T1i. All three of these are pretty similar and are very nice cameras. Those of you who know me are probably thinking "How hard can it be to decide, plus it is Kiery, the cheapest duh!!" Actually for once this isn't the case. The D3000 is the cheapest, but it doesn't have some options that the D5000 does. Video being one of the big ones. Normally I wouldn't have considered video something that I would want, but as a wedding photographer having the ability to do video opens up you up to a broader market. The Canon Rebel a bit more money than the D5000, the only reason I am keeping it in mind is because I might like the way it feels in my hand more than I like the other two. This is a big deal by the way. Anyways...I am going feeler shopping this weekend and who knows I might have a brand new awesome camera by the end of the week. (I am taking my husband with me to ensure that there is a great chance of this happening. He makes me buy things when I would usually flake out. :) I will keep ya'll updated!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

End of school...

So, the end has come. I have my last critique on my finished locket and then school is officially out for the summer. I haven't really decided what to do with this blog. It started out as an assignment, but I think I want to keep it up. I probably won't post that often, but when I have completed a new project I will try to post pictures so you all can admire my work. *wink wink* Enjoy the summer!!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

locket update work on the hinge has been backtracked. I was working on it yesterday and I soldered the locket shut again, but I finally got it soldered on. The problem came when I tried to solder the middle piece on...I kinda soldered everything and then fried the hinge. :( So now I have to start all over with the hinge. I am not looking forward to this at all!!! I really hope that I can get this done soon. I am going in Friday afternoon to work on it so wish me luck!

Locket update and other things...

So I tried soldering my hinge onto my locket was not quite a success. I soldered the hinge on, but I also soldered the locket completely shut...not exactly what I was going for. So I had to heat it back up and pull everything apart, sand all of the solder off and today I am going to try again. Alicia told me she would help so hopefully it will go better this time. I am hoping to get the hinge, clasp and loop soldered all soldered on today. Then all I would have left is to clean it up.

My "other things" from the title has to do with the ring that I made last night in like an hour. All I did was roll out my half round wire and then put texture on it so it wasn't super involved, but I love it. I am thinking of making some similar rings for my family reunion auction this summer. But it will just depend on how much time I have. I think I'll be able to do it next week. I will post some pictures of them later. I am really loving metal smiting. I hope that I will be able to take at least one more metals class before I graduate.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Final Collections Assignment

For the collections assignment my idea didn't get picked so I joined another group. I joined Toby's group. His idea was to get a video collection of sneezes. It was an interesting idea. I honestly was surprised at how hard it was to get people to sneeze on video. I never did get myself even though I tried a whole lot. I didn't end up getting any one to sneeze while I was videoing. We ended up with only 14 sneezes which was fine, but we were wanting to get at least 30. I think it turned out pretty good though. Our presentation was awesome. It looked really clean and crisp. When Toby gets the video posted on facebook I will add a link so you all can watch it. It is really quite entertaining. The more you watch it the funnier it gets.