Wednesday, May 12, 2010

End of school...

So, the end has come. I have my last critique on my finished locket and then school is officially out for the summer. I haven't really decided what to do with this blog. It started out as an assignment, but I think I want to keep it up. I probably won't post that often, but when I have completed a new project I will try to post pictures so you all can admire my work. *wink wink* Enjoy the summer!!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

locket update work on the hinge has been backtracked. I was working on it yesterday and I soldered the locket shut again, but I finally got it soldered on. The problem came when I tried to solder the middle piece on...I kinda soldered everything and then fried the hinge. :( So now I have to start all over with the hinge. I am not looking forward to this at all!!! I really hope that I can get this done soon. I am going in Friday afternoon to work on it so wish me luck!

Locket update and other things...

So I tried soldering my hinge onto my locket was not quite a success. I soldered the hinge on, but I also soldered the locket completely shut...not exactly what I was going for. So I had to heat it back up and pull everything apart, sand all of the solder off and today I am going to try again. Alicia told me she would help so hopefully it will go better this time. I am hoping to get the hinge, clasp and loop soldered all soldered on today. Then all I would have left is to clean it up.

My "other things" from the title has to do with the ring that I made last night in like an hour. All I did was roll out my half round wire and then put texture on it so it wasn't super involved, but I love it. I am thinking of making some similar rings for my family reunion auction this summer. But it will just depend on how much time I have. I think I'll be able to do it next week. I will post some pictures of them later. I am really loving metal smiting. I hope that I will be able to take at least one more metals class before I graduate.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Final Collections Assignment

For the collections assignment my idea didn't get picked so I joined another group. I joined Toby's group. His idea was to get a video collection of sneezes. It was an interesting idea. I honestly was surprised at how hard it was to get people to sneeze on video. I never did get myself even though I tried a whole lot. I didn't end up getting any one to sneeze while I was videoing. We ended up with only 14 sneezes which was fine, but we were wanting to get at least 30. I think it turned out pretty good though. Our presentation was awesome. It looked really clean and crisp. When Toby gets the video posted on facebook I will add a link so you all can watch it. It is really quite entertaining. The more you watch it the funnier it gets.